Aunt Polly

She was my mother’s sister, one of the five children born to my grandparents. Trained as a teacher via a scholarship she probably agreed with the old adage, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. She was a competent pianist and also organist at the local Anglican church to which …


A friend suggested I should type in my name on my Internet search engine. I did, hardly believing it would produce anything.   The first item it produced related to a John Finch who was a highly thought of London clockmaker in 1765, which might remotely connect, I thought, to my …

John Winant

John Winant. My life, living with the Epstein’s in Hyde Park Gate in 1946/47 when I was secretary /amenuensis to Jacob Epstein, the sculptor, acquired added interest when I met what today would be described as celebrities. They came, out of simple friendship, or in some instances to have their …

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